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Welcome to   
Dr Esmat As-Said School     (معاً نرتقي)

The school believes that its ethos is reflected in the way students relate to each other and their teachers. The staff’s aims refer to spiritual, moral, cultural and social development. The school aims to encourage students from different regions and race to become compassionate, creative, analytical and critical learners who understand and accept others with all their differences. Our main emphasis is fostering positive students’ identities by promoting good morals and values. To this end, the school works hard to develop a challenging curriculum and rigorous assessment.

More about our school

Careers/ Job 

To find out more please click here 

Application Form
Must be filled and returned
by September
School Fees
Our fees for next
academic term


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Dr. Esmat as-Said End of Year Celebration 2019

Dr. Esmat as-Said Exhibition 2018-19

Annual Art Exhibition 2023 

Annual art exhibition at Dr.Esmat as-Said School.
All students have participated in the school art gallery 2023

Dr. Esmat as-Said School Activity 2018

Watch our video to see what it is like to be at Dr. Esmat as-Said School.

With special thanks to Asmahan Alkarjosli for creating the video.

End of Year Celebrations

End of year celebrations for Dr Esmat as-Said School 2017/18

New Year Celebration Dinner With IAC


The International Arab Women's Council has invited the Arabic School teachers to celebrate the New Years 2018

School Exhibition 2016/2017

School Exhibition at Dr.Esmat as-Said School.
Video produced by Mrs Zainab Aljawahri (GCSE Teacher).

A programme of activities in which children from Dr. Esmat as-Said Arabic School receive, explore, interpret, renew and transmit the cultural hertiage of the Gilgamesh epic

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